Zwierzęta na mapie
English title: Animals on the Map
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2018
Box dimensions: 30 × 26 cm
Dimensions when completed: 100 × 60 cm
Jigsaw puzzle 170 pieces
ISBN/EAN: 5907222656013
Take a look at the 600 pieces version to learn about the design process of this product.
This jigsaw puzzle is a part of Maps Series.
This jigsaw puzzle was inspired by our book “Mapy”. The huge map of the world features 350 species of animals located in their native range. The key hidden on the inside of the box will help parents to answer all the questions regarding the animals’ names.
Together with “Everything on the Map” this is our first set of jigsaw puzzles. The idea came from an unfulfilled need of our publishers to have gadgets to the “Mapy” book. We didn’t want to license our work to third party producers, so we decided to design our own product.
The design process of those two puzzle sets is described on the page presenting 600 pieces version.

Foreign editions
Italian, Animali sulle mappe. Il puzzle e il libro di attività., Mondadori Electa, 2021, ISBN: 978-88-918-3113-2 (sold together with Il gioco delle mappe).
You can find a Google Sheet with a list of all our foreign editions here.