100 słów
English title: 100 Words
Dimensions: 14,5 × 14,5 cm
Hardcover 204 p.
This book was never published. We wrote and designed it as a part of our showcase in attempt to get a book design commission. Also, we just had such strong urge to create books and games that we would design them no matter if we were paid or not (we didn’t get paid for any our web games, but we invested months of work in them, anyway).

Similar to “Hyaku Go”, “100 słów” was designed as part of our book showcase. Both those mini picture dictionaries were our first non fiction picture books for children.
The idea for this book was rather an excuse to design something new than an interesting concept on its own. 100 words, 6 languages, and a single, simple, linear drawing for each word. Everything arranged on colourful backgrounds that create a rainbow when flipping through the book.