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English title: Tales about the Sun
Dimensions: 23 × 28 cm
Hardcover 100 p.
This book was never published. It’s Aleksandra’s graduation project designed at Maciej Buszewicz’s Book Design Studio at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

This book contains 10 short stories about the Sun. All originated from different regions and cultures. They range from horrifying, through heartwarming, to funny. The front and the back of the book look the same and you can read it from both sides. Whenever you reach the middle of the book, you have to flip it and start reading from the other side.
The Sun is represented on each spread of the book and every odd tale has its text rotated by 90 degrees. Because of it, while reading the following tales you have to rotate the book. By doing so, you are rotating around the Sun, which always stays in the middle.

In the middle of the book there is a photo of the Sun filling the whole spread. This is the point at which you have to flip the book and start reading from the other side. We used this idea eight years later in the “Pod wodą / Pod ziemią”. Only then we put the Earth core as the pivotal point.