Mapy, edycja pomarańczowa
English title: Maps, Orange Edition (aka Maps, Extended Edition)
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2016
Dimensions: 27.2 × 37 cm
Paperback: 144 p.
ISBN: 978-83-64347-10-8
This book is a part of the Maps Series. In Poland it was limited to only 25 000 copies.
If you want to find out more about making of this book and some other back stories, go to the original edition.

In 2016 Dwie Siostry Publishing House was celebrating its tenth birthday. On this occasion we (both authors and publisher) decided to distribute a new version of “Maps”. We already had maps that were created for foreign editions and were never published in Poland. 16 additional countries were added (Argentina, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam) making it 58 total.
You can see which country is in which edition in this Google Sheet.
In Poland “Orange Edition” had a limited run of 25 000 copies and it won’t be reprinted. In other countries it functions as a regular, non-limited, expanded version (in some cases it even has a cover with a blue map but with different images on it).

Some foreign publishers decided to replace the first edition with Orange Edition. In this case they can’t use the orange cover which is reserved only for cases where there are simultaneously two editions (regular and extended) on the market. For those cases we have a little bit different blue cover.
Foreign editions
Japanese, マップス 愛蔵版, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., 2019, ISBN: 978-4-19-864846-6
Chinese Simplified, 地图, Beijing Yuanliu Classic Culture Ltd, 2019, ISBN: 978-7-221-14855-1
Finnish, Suuri Karttakirja, Nemo, 2018, ISBN: 978-951-1-32692-2
Dutch, Atlas (Luxe Editie), Lannoo, 2018, ISBN: 978-94-014-5531-2
French, Cartes (Edition revue et augmentée), Rue du Monde, 2018, ISBN: 978-2-35504-529-5
German, Alle Welt, Moritz Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-89565-370-4
Chinese Traditional, 地圖 (增訂版), Global Kids Books, 2017, ISBN: 978-986-479-141-5
English (Universal), Maps, Special Edition, Big Picture Press, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-78370-804-8
Italian, Mappe. Nuova edizione ampliata, Electa Kids (Mondadori Electa), 2017, ISBN: 978-88-918-0866-0
Korean, Maps: 우리나라를 포함해 58개 나라의 지도 수록, Greenbooks, 2017, ISBN: 978-89-5588-335-0
Thai, แผนที่, Nanmeebooks, 2017, ISBN: 978-616-04-3728-3
Ukrainian, Карти (оновлене видання), Старого Лева, 2017, ISBN: 978-617-679-448-6
You can find a Google Sheet with a list of all our foreign editions here.