Pora na potwora
English title: Monster Time
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2014
Dimensions: 30 × 19 cm
Board Book: 18 p.
ISBN: 978-83-63696-01-6
Book designed in a form of eighteen century game. It consists 9 linocuts representing animals and a UFO. Each page is divided into three parts. You can turn them over endlessly, creating 729 creatures with strange names.
Unfortunately, the concept for the construction of the book makes it impossible to translate it to other languages. Foreign editions would have to be created from scratch, and this applies to the choice of words, mechanics and the linocuts themselves. So every foreign edition wouldn’t be a new version of the first book, but a totally new book. This is way we created “Let’s Go Monsters” – English version published in Poland the following year.
The font on the cover is our Mr Dodo and the big letters inside are from Lelum Sans by Michał Jarociński.

Planning was crucial for this project. If you imagine this book as a table with three columns and nine rows with a single letter in each cell then every row will represent a single word. But there’s a catch here. You can’t let any letter appear twice in a given column. Otherwise you could have a correct word matched with incorrect image.
All of the linocuts were created in a traditional way without using digital filters or other tricks. Everything was cut and then printed using a simple tea spoon (as a replacement for the printing press), water-based heavy printing ink and a cheap laser printer paper.