Mapy, edycja fioletowa
English title: Maps, purple edition
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2019
Dimensions: 27.2 × 37 cm
Hardcover: 158 p.
ISBN: 978-83-8150-050-0
This book is a part of the Maps Series.
If you want to find out more about making of this book and some other back stories, go to the original edition.
In 2019, after the extended and limited Orange Edition was long gone, it was time to create an even more extended version of the book. Purple Edition contains 66 countries in total – 24 more than the first Blue Edition. Argentina, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Vietnam were added.
You can see what country is in which edition in this Google Sheet.

Alongside the Purple Edition, Green Edition was published as en expansion for the readers who already bought the Blue Edition. The translation of Green Edition’s title is “Maps that you don’t have”.
This obviously caused confusion. We anticipated a lot of questions about the differences between the editions, so we designed a postcard that was available in the bookstores and was shared in our publisher’s social media.

Foreign editions
Slovak, Mapy, Slovart, 2021, ISBN: 978-80-556-5212-2
Thai, แผนที่ภูมิศาสตร์และวัฒนธรรม, Nanmeebooks, 2021, ISBN: 978-616-04-5263-7
Hungarian, Világlátó, Manó Könyvek, 2021, ISBN: 978-963-403-975-4
Spanish, Atlas del Mundo, Maeva young (Ediciones Maeva, S.A.), 2020, ISBN: 978-84-17708-83-2
Italian, Mappe, Electa Kids, 2020, ISBN: 978-88-918-2985-6
English (GB), Maps, Deluxe Edition, Big Picture Press, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-78741-719-9
Korean, Maps, Greenbooks, 2024, ISBN: 978-89-5588-448-7
You can find a Google Sheet with a list of all our foreign editions here.